One way that insurance carriers rate your general liability premium is based upon annual sales. Please list your annual sales (ie: $4,000,000) and "subdivide" them per line items as well if possible ($500,000 for office employees, $300,000 for salespersons, $250,000 for window installation, etc.)
Some insurance carriers rate your general liability premium off of your annual payroll. Please list your annual payroll, and break it down into specific classifications once again ($500,000 annual payroll, $200,000 paid to office employees, $200,000 paid to construction employees, etc.) If you'd like to get more technical, the RiG team is always willing to conduct a "pre-quote audit" and show you some tricks as to how we can reduce your premium in doing so.
Please list the total number of employee within your business. Please also further "subdivide" this number into specific categories as well (10 total employees, 5 clerical, 3 construction, 2 sales...).
An owner of a business has the option to exclude themselves from their Work Comp coverage and thus save some money on their premiums. If you would like to take this option, please list each owner, their annual payroll, and the type of work they are specifically engaged in (ie: office work, sales, in the field, etc.)
Please list each classification along with its corresponding payroll. For example, you may have a "clerical" classification for your office employees with a corresponding payroll of $100,000, or a "salespersons" classification for your sales force with a payroll of $50,000.
Please list the year, make, model, and VIN for each vehicle that you would like coverage for. Please also indicate which vehicles should have full coverage (collision & comp deductibles) and which should have liability only.
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?