Special Event Insurance

Whether it's a birthday party, wedding, anniversary, or baby shower, organizing a thoughtful event requires meticulous planning, not to mention a lot of energy. So it's no surprise that most people focus on the necessities and fail to consider the unexpected. Fact is, unforeseen occurrences like extreme weather, accidents, or illness could very well leave you in an uncomfortable position. When you consider how much effort you devote to planning, preparing, and perfecting, insurance for events is not only smart, but also surprisingly affordable. MidCoast Insurance can help to make sure you're covered for non-refundable deposits, cancellation fees, and even injury or liability from accidents during your event. So whether you're planning an event for yourself or a close family member, MidCoast Insurance can minimize your responsibility and loss if you face an unavoidable setback.

Give us a call at (219) 213-2306!