Some tips on how to find affordable and competitive auto insurance in Crown Point, IN.
#InsuranceGames: A Day in the Life of an Agent
7:30 AM: It’s Friday. We deserve a treat. Time for bagels and coffee at Panera. #ButFirstCoffee
8:00 AM: It’s Friday. We deserve some tunes. #BlastTheTunes.
8:05 AM: We read through emails, and start responding with answers so beautiful and professional they leave you like, WOW! #WOW
9:30 AM: Bring on the phone calls… someone needs a quote. TIME TO SAVE YOU MONEY. #SaveAllTheMoney
9:40 AM: As an independent insurance agency, we have contracts with multiple insurance carriers so we can #SaveAllTheMoney by working up different quotes and selecting the company that is most competitive and can offer you the best rate. #Capitalism
9:45 AM: Here are some of the companies that we throw into the gauntlet and make them compete for you: #HungerGames, I mean, #InsuranceGames
10:00 AM: Another call. OH NO IT’S A CLAIM. It’s okay… we got you. #InThisTogether
10:38 AM: Someone called in because you referred them our way. You’re #TheBest. That means a gift card for coffee and donuts is coming your way! #ReferralProgram #DONUTS
12:30 PM: It’s lunch time. But we’re insurance super heroes. We don’t need lunch. #KEEPWORKING
12:45 PM: Just kidding. We’re eating lunch. #Donuts
2:15 PM: Still working through quotes, emails, billing questions, mortgagee faxes, certificates and paperwork like a #BOSS.
3:30 PM: Did you know we do commercial insurance? Of course you did, that’s why you called us to insure your donut shop. We’ll take very good care of you. #Donuts
4:15 PM: Received your new policy in the mail from one of our carriers. Time to send you your temporary Auto ID cards, with a business card of our beautiful faces.
5:00 PM: It’s 5:00 PM. Time to go home. Just kidding… #KEEPWORKING
6:00 PM: Okay, maybe we’ll go home…